Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Make A Potato Wedge Float

Make a potato float in water with salt.

Make a potato wedge float rather than sink in water. This trick is linked to the density of the water and potato. Density is the ratio of the mass to the volume of an object. Normally, potatoes are more dense than water and sink, but for the potato wedge to float, you must make the water more dense than the potato. One ingredient accomplishes this, salt. Saturating the water with salt increases the density of the water, making it more dense than the potato, letting the wedge float in the water.


1. Add water to the clear glass to fill it halfway.

2. Place the potato wedge in the water to show it sink to the bottom of the glass.

3. Remove the potato wedge from the water.

4. Stir the salt into the water with the long spoon until the water can not longer hold any more salt and it begins to collect at the bottom. This is a saturated solution.

5. Drop the potato wedge into the water and watch it float because the saturated water is more dense than the potato.

Tags: potato wedge, dense than, more dense, more dense than, dense than potato, than potato