Friday, June 25, 2010

Make A Dora The Explorer Themed Dinner

Children love to eat junk food like candy and chips, but one way to help encourage healthy eating is by bringing in good eating examples in their life to the dinner table. One of the most popular children’s shows is Dora the Explorer and there are many elements from the show that can be recreated into fun and delicious meals.


1. Bananas. Dora’s bets friend is a monkey named Boots and one of his favorite snacks are bananas. Bananas can be served in a number of different ways, like banana nut bread, fruit salad, or just on their own. Cut some slices off and mix them into your child’s favorite cereal to start them out on eating them. Just remember to focus on the fact that it is Boots’s favorite snack and maybe it will be theirs, too.

2. Blueberries. Dora’s nemesis on the show is Swiper the Fox. Swiper tries to take things from Dora and her friends, but when he is not swiping, he goes back to his fox hole on Blueberry Hill. Much like the bananas, you can implement the blueberries into several meals like pancakes or muffins, or just put them in a bowl and eat them on their own

3. “Map” Burritos. Every episode of Dora the Explorer features Dora relying on her trusty map to guide the way. You can recreate the rolled up map very easily by making a burrito. Just make a burrito the fillings you want like beef, beans, and cheese, and then roll the burrito up as tight as you can. Cut a couple of olives to add eyes to the outside of the burrito to make it look more like Map.

4. Star Soup. Newer episodes of Dora the Explorer feature Dora and Boots collecting a wide variety of stars. All of the stars have special talents and Dora puts them in her backpack. You can make you own edible stars a variety of different ways. The easiest way is to simply buy chicken and stars soup. The can is filled with pre-cut star shaped pasta and pieces of chicken as well.

5. Star Cutters. To add more color and variety to the stars, buy a star shaped cookie cutter and make healthy sandwiches like peanut butter and jelly. Kids do not usually like the crust anyway, so cut the sandwich into the star shape and then add a couple drops of food coloring to the bread to add more fun to the meal.

6. Dora Cake: Among other Dora party supplies, there is an official Dora the Explorer cake pan that you can purchase. Creating a cake in the shape of Dora will make the dessert even more enjoyable. After eating a healthy Dora meal, reward you children with a small piece of cake for dessert.

Tags: Dora Explorer, Boots favorite, different ways, star shaped, variety stars