Friday, November 9, 2012

Eat Scallops

Scallops are a culinary delight, often pleasing even to those who do not usually care for seafood. Because of their tender texture and subtle, almost sweet flavor, scallops can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. To enjoy scallops in season, buy them fresh from October to March for sea and bay scallops and December through May for calico scallops.


1. Select scallops from a seafood store or seafood counter that has a fresh source.

2. Check for browning. Fresh scallops should be white and firm to the touch. Frozen ones should appear shiny and have frost-free packaging (frost indicates that thawing occurred).

3. Smell fresh scallops, which should be odorless or slightly sweet in scent. If there is a displeasing smell, return them to the supplier.

4. Refrigerate fresh scallops as soon as possible to avoid spoilage. To keep them for a couple of days before use, place in plastic on top of a dish of ice in the back of the refrigerator.

5. Choose a recipe that appeals to you. Recipes may be found on the Internet as well as in cookbooks.

6. Rinse scallops in very cold water and pat dry before use in a recipe.

7. Follow the recipe exactly the first time you prepare scallops, improvising as desired with experience.
