Wednesday, January 21, 2009


About Caviar

Caviar is a delicacy that is typically served as a spread or part of hors d'oeuvres. It is a processed and salted mass of fish roe. While caviar can be made from just about any fish, it is typically made out of two, creating the black and red caviar varieties.


There are two main types of caviar: black caviar and red caviar. Black caviar is made from the eggs, or roe, of the sturgeon. It is often considered to be the finest and most exclusive type of caviar, especially when it comes from the Caspian Sea. Red caviar comes from salmon. There are other types of caviar as well that can be served as spreads or as whole eggs, coming from fish such as tuna, flying fish or cod.


The United States and Canada were originally the main exporters of caviar to Europe and other parts of the world in the early 1900s. This is because of mass farming from lakes and streams between the two countries. When the sturgeon population became endangered, production slowed and made the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea basin leading exporters, until fish populations became threatened there as well. In 2005, the United States put a ban on Black Sea caviar, which was partially lifted in 2007, marking an increase in caviar consumption once again.


The classical way of obtaining caviar is first by stunning a fish by clubbing the head. While stunned, harvesters would take out the roe of the fish. This process often killed the fish. Modern roe harvesters are experimenting with surgical egg removal that will keep the fish alive. After the roe is harvested, it is processed and salt is added for taste and preservation. It is then usually canned, though some caviar is mashed into a spread and packaged in tubes.


In the United States, caviar is expensive because of import prices and availability issues. There, it is considered to a luxury item and it is not usually consumed. In Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavia, caviar is more common and less expensive, though it is still a pricey food. While still considered to be a high-class item, it is eaten more often at various celebrations throughout the year. In Japan, caviar is very popular, particularly red caviar, which is eaten on sushi and is more commonly referred to as ikura.


Caviar has been a subject of environmental concern because it has caused the overfishing of sturgeon across the world. The United States and Canada have dwindled down the population of North American sturgeon because of caviar, and the various producers of caviar along the Caspian Sea have done the same. This has caused the creation of caviar alternatives using other fish, though this endangers other species as well.

Tags: United States, Black caviar, black caviar, caviar made, caviar made from