Thursday, January 29, 2009

Homemade Hair Mask For Dry Hair Using Olive Oil & Mayonnaise

Homemade Hair Mask for Dry Hair Using Olive Oil & Mayonnaise

Hair can become dry through the use of drying beauty products, heat styling, chemical processing and/or changes in weather. A hair mask made of olive oil and mayonnaise is an inexpensive way to condition your hair. According to Dr. Edward Group of, olive oil is full of antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, and helps control frizz. Take the olive oil and blend it with eggs to make mayonnaise. The protein and cholesterol in eggs will strengthen your hair.

Start with Olive Oil

Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. Dry hair results partly from an unhealthy scalp, so start by addressing your scalp and roots. Apply a tablespoon of warm (not hot) olive oil to your scalp and roots with your fingertips; massage the oil in until your scalp is covered. The olive oil moisturizes the skin.

Mixing the Mayonnaise

Make your own mayonnaise to save on products, using the same olive oil you used for your scalp in your mayo recipe. Eggs and olive oil become mayonnaise when mixed together. Use the following recipe from for your hair mask: whisk 5 tbsp. of olive oil with two eggs. Massage the mayonnaise into your hair and cover it with plastic wrap or a shower cap. Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes, then shampoo out. Rinse well. For maximum moisturization, rinse out the mayonnaise without shampooing.

Retain the Moisture

Shampooing strips your hair moisture. To retain moisture, use a moisturizing shampoo or look for shampoo without surfactants or a natural homemade shampoo that does not strip the oils from your hair and scalp. Avoid shampooing every day--every other day should be sufficient--to give your body the chance to replenish your hair's natural oils. In that way, your body will naturally repair dry hair.

Tags: your hair, your scalp, hair mask, Hair Mask, Hair Mask Hair