Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Appetizers That Take Less Than An Hour To Make

Appetizers whet the appetite before a meal.

Appetizers or hors d'oeuvres are small, bite-sized foods served before a meal. An appetizer is also a first course eaten at the table. Appetizers range from the simple, such as seasoned nuts, to more complex foods, including stuffed mushrooms.

Nibbles and Snacks

Nibbles and snacks are perfect for starting an evening. Select snacks according to the theme of the party and to complement the drinks. Seasoned or caramelized nuts, marinated olives or prosciutto-wrapped melon are quick and easy.

Try tossing whole, unsalted nuts with melted butter, olive oil or maple syrup seasoned with dried herbs or cayenne pepper and kosher salt. Bake the nuts for about 20 minutes in a 325-degree oven.

Marinated olives are served warm or at room temperature. Mix olives with one or two strips of citrus zest, fresh herbs, such as rosemary, and olive oil. Let the olives marinate for about 30 minutes or wrap in aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes in a 400-degree oven.

For prosciutto-wrapped melon, cut thin slices of prosciutto or serrano ham into narrow strips, wrap around cubes of cantaloupe or other ripe melon and secure with fancy toothpicks.


Antipasti are served before the meal or as a first course.

Antipasti are an assortment of cheeses, cured meats, olives and marinated vegetables served before a meal. The only time they require is to arrange the food selections on a platter, unless you are marinating the vegetables yourself. Antipasti is generally served with breads and nuts to complement the spicy and savory selections.


Tapas, or small plates, are a Spanish variation of antipasti. They include a selection of meats and cheeses, marinated vegetables and olives. Meats and cheeses are served simply, without garnish, on a wooden board. Serve the meats and cheeses with fried almonds --- a Spanish snack --- or bread rubbed with garlic and tomato.

To prepare fried almonds, start with blanched whole almonds. Toast the almonds in a 350-degree oven for about 10 minutes. Stir the almonds during baking, about every 3 minutes. Heat olive oil in a large skillet. Sprinkle the toasted almonds with salt and fry in the olive oil for 5 minutes or until crunchy.


Toasted bread topped with diced tomato or olives are an easy appetizer.

Crostini are small, thin slices of toasted bread. Typically the bread is brushed with olive oil and then finished with a variety of savory toppings, such as olive tapenade or diced tomatoes tossed with fresh garlic and basil. These are very quick to prepare, requiring about 5 minutes in the oven to toast the bread.

Hot Appetizers

Hot appetizers require a bit more time, needing both preparation time and baking time. Choose simple fillings and partially prepared ingredients, such as frozen puff pastry, to reduce preparation time. Puff pastry stuffed with layers of sliced deli meats and cheeses bake in about 25 minutes.

Stuffed mushrooms are easy to make with a variety of stuffing, including cheese, crab or sausage. Cleaned and trimmed mushroom caps are available in the produce section of the grocery store. Combine grated cheese, such as Parmesan, with bread crumbs, melted butter, dried herbs and other ingredients such as browned sausage. Brush the mushroom cap with olive oil and fill with the stuffing. Bake in a 400-degree oven for about 25 minutes until mushrooms are tender and the filling is cooked through.

Tags: about minutes, before meal, meats cheeses, served before, served before meal