Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cucumber Corn Creamed Salad

Use frozen corn when fresh is out of season.

Creamed corn is an American classic. Sweet corn is cooked with butter and heavy cream, making a rich-tasting side dish. But there's so much more lighter fare to make with corn, especially during the summer when fresh corn is plentiful at stores and farmer's markets. For example, in this creamed corn salad recipe, cucumbers and yogurt substituted for heavy cream create a healthy spin on the classic dish.


1. Pull back the husks from the ears of corn, keeping them attached. Remove the silk and then re-cover the corn with the husks. Place on the grill and cook for about 15 minutes, turning occasionally, until the kernels are tender.

2. Once cool enough to handle, hold the corn upright and cut the kernels off the cob.

3. Combine the corn with the rest of the ingredients.

4. Refrigerate the salad for a few hours, or prepare the day before serving, allowing the flavors to intensify.

Tags: corn with, heavy cream, when fresh