Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Make Herb Bread In A Bread Machine

There's something about the perfume of freshly baking bread that makes a home more "homey," somehow. In these days of working couples, busy families, and fast-food, many people simply don't have the time to bake their own bread. Enter bread machines, essential tools of the yuppie kitchen. The fact is, bread machines are a wonderful alternative to home-baked bread. They do all the labor while you are sleeping or working. Waking up on a lazy Sunday morning to the aroma of fresh cinnamon-raisin bread it a treat everyone should experience. Bread machines also give you the opportunity to easily experiment with ingredients and flavors.


1. Using a Bread Machine

There are a few things you should remember if you are using a bread machine for the first time. First, always make sure your ingredients are at room temperature. I take mine out of the refrigerator about 30-45 minutes before I plan to bake.

2. Always use "bread flour." I use Gold Medal "Better for Bread," or King Arthur's Bread Flour, but any flour specifically for bread will work. Bread flours are higher in gluten, which helps the dough rise. If you can't find bread flour, you can add a teaspoon of "vital gluten" for each cup of flour to your recipes. Vital gluten is available in health food stores, and in some supermarkets. I use a teaspoon or two even with bread flour, for a higher rising loaf.

3. Always use fresh yeast when baking any type of bread. Once the package or jar of yeast has been opened, store it in the refrigerator. Just bring it to room temperature before you use it. If you have a bread machine that heats your ingredients to the proper temperature, you don't need to worry about bringing your ingredients to room temperature.

4. Adding Herbs to Your Bread

Experimenting is one of the most enjoyable things about a bread machine, they give you the time to be creative. Don't be afraid to throw in a handful of your favorite herb or spice, and experiment with tastes. If you have an herb garden, this is one way to use those fresh herbs in the fall before you begin drying them for the winter.

5. One of my favorite recipes came out of the need for bread for an Italian dinner. I took a french bread recipe, and added fresh rosemary, then made garlic bread out of the baked loaf. It was delicious! I simply added a small handful of rosemary from my garden to the dough after it had kneaded for a few minutes.

Tags: room temperature, your ingredients, bread flour, bread machine, bread machines