Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Neutralize Red Hot Chili Peppers

Red hot chili peppers are flavorful and spicy.

Red hot chili peppers are used to add flavor and heat to many dishes. Capsaicin, the chemical responsible for the heat, stimulates pain receptors in the mouth to cause a burning sensation. There are, however, things you can do to neutralize the heat and cool down your mouth.


1. Minimize the heat with milk.

Drink a glass of milk, which contains a protein called casein that attracts and absorbs the heat-causing chemical capsaicin. Other dairy products, such as yogurt, sour cream and ice cream, also contain casein and can reduce the heat from red hot chili peppers.

2. Vegetable oil can neutralize the heat.

Rinse your mouth with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Capsaicin is soluble in fat, so the oil may help to neutralize the burning sensation. Swish the oil in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out.

3. Use a paring knife to remove seeds from red hot chili peppers.

Remove the seeds from the peppers during preparation. Cut the pepper in half with a paring knife, carefully cut away the seeds and discard. Much of the heat is contained within the seed membranes.

4. The fat in milk chocolate dissolves capsaicin.

Eat some chocolate. The fat in chocolate can help reduce the heat by dissolving the capsaicin found in red hot chili peppers. Choose milk chocolate over dark because it has a higher fat content and will provide greater relief.

5. The starch in bread absorbs the heat.

Eat something starchy. Foods such as bread, potatoes and rice absorb the heat and distribute it throughout the food, minimizing the intensity of the burning sensation. Many spicy ethnic cuisines follow this approach. Asian foods are served with rice, Indian dishes include naan bread and Mexican food uses tortillas to counteract the heat.

Tags: burning sensation, chili peppers, your mouth, chili peppers, from chili, from chili peppers, milk chocolate