Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pit An Avocado

Avacado and pit

Avocados are delicious fruits that have a smooth, creamy flesh that is covered by a thick, rough rind. In the very center of the avocado is a large pit. Cleaning the avocado flesh away from the pit cleanly is important, in order not to waste any of the avocado, which tends to be fairly expensive. Read on to learn pit an avocado.


1. Place the avocado on the cutting board.

2. Slice the avocado in half, being careful not to cut the pit. Scoring the pit can break small pieces off that may end up in your recipe.

3. Gently twist the avocado. The halves should come apart easily, especially if the avocado is ripe and ready to eat. You will end up with the pit in one half, with the other half being empty and ready to use.

4. Place the dish towel in your hand. This will protect your hand from being cut in case you do not strike the avocado pit properly.

5. Place the avocado half containing the pit in your covered hand.

6. Bring the blade of the knife down quickly onto the center of the pit. It should penetrate the pit slightly (about an eighth of an inch).

7. Twist the blade of the knife slightly. The pit will be attached to the knife, and pull out of the avocado easily. If the pit does not come out, it is likely that the avocado is still not quite ripe enough. In this case, remove the knife and try to strike the pit again a little deeper.

Tags: avocado half, blade knife, half being, Place avocado, your hand