Friday, September 18, 2009

Flavor To Rice

Rice is nice, but flavor you'll savor.

Rice is easy to make, it's economical, and it goes with just about everything. If there's anything bad to be said about rice, it's only that rice can be bland. It doesn't have to be bland, though. There are some simple ways to jazz up your rice, including cooking the rice in broth, adding herbs to the rice or adding spices. It's no harder to create a more flavorful version of this healthy staple than it is to prepare it plain.


1. Add flavor while cooking the rice. The most basic way to add flavor to plain old rice is to cook it in something other than water. Chicken broth, beef broth and vegetable stock are excellent options for adding flavor to rice. Simply replace all or part of the required amount of water with equal parts stock.

2. Add herbs after cooking. Fresh herbs can add a cartload of excitement to same-old, same-old rice. Cilantro is one herb you can dd that will bring a fresh kick to your rice. Experiment with different herbs on small amounts of rice. You could probably make 2 cups of prepared rice and try out four or more different flavors to find your favorite. Try out all the herbs you can find.

3. Add spices. Experimenting with spices will give you many flavor options. While pepper is an obvious option, you can try virtually every spice in your cabinets, as well as combinations of spices. Add red peppers to your chicken stock when starting the cooking process for an extra bite. Try ginger, cumin, cardamom or even cinnamon.

4. Add citrus zest, wine, or juice from fruits or vegetables.

Tags: cooking rice, your rice