Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Healthy Recess Snacks

Healthy snacks should be relatively low in calories and rich in nutrients.

You can send a snack to school with your child, but if he doesn't eat it, it won't do much good. Not only should snacks taste good, they should be familiar to your child. A healthy, ready-to-eat snack that is simple for a child to handle and appeals to his tastes is a good solution for a recess snack.

Wholesome Cookies

Oatmeal cookies provide complex carbohydrates and iron, giving your child energy throughout the remainder of the day. When made with raisins, almonds, brown sugar, honey and whole wheat flour, oatmeal cookies are a nutrient-rich snack your child will enjoy.

Fruit Smoothie

An 8 oz. thermos of smoothie made with skim milk, strawberries and banana is refreshing and delicious, and a drink your child can easily handle and enjoy. Adding vanilla or strawberry yogurt, less milk and more banana or strawberries will make it thick enough to eat with a spoon. The nutritional value of a smoothie can be enhanced with granola or protein powder.

Trail Mix

A mix of whole wheat cereals, almonds, raisins, dried fruit and even some dark chocolate chips makes a delicious snack. The cereal provides carbohydrates, while almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamias and cashews contain calcium and magnesium for healthy bones and vitamin E for a strong circulatory system. The raisins, dried fruit and chocolate provide necessary vitamins, minerals and sugars to burn for energy and add a delicious flavor.

Fruit and Vegetable Kabobs

Easy fruit and vegetable kabobs alternate bite-size chunks of apple, pineapple, grape tomatoes, cantaloupe, carrot chips and large firm grapes on a long wooden skewer. Use firm fruits that won't get mushy and cut off the pointed end of the skewer with a serrated knife before you pack the kabob.

Tags: your child, dried fruit, made with, raisins dried, raisins dried fruit, whole wheat