Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remove Gas From Beans Using Kombu

Beans don't have to Sound off!

'Beans, Beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot.' This isn't just a lyric from a childhood song, it is a fact that this healthy food provides us to consider. The majority of the beans we eat make us expand a puff of gas or two which makes some folks avoid beans altogether. Others, who accept the challenge of beans gleam serious value in their diets. However, if you are hoping to have gas less beans, then you can prepare them so your stomach can digest them better and you avoid the gas altogether. Here's remove the gas from the beans!


1. The night before you decide to make beans, pull out a large pot and fill it half full of water. Place the bean in the water and allow to set for at least 12 hours. Use filtered or bottled instead of tap water for best results.

2. The next morning, drain the water and replace with more water. For every cup of beans add four cups of water. Add the strip of Kombu to the pot and begin to boil the beans.

3. Once at a rolling boil, allow to boil for 20 minutes, then reduce heat and simmer for 2 to 4 hours depending on the beans and recommended times on the packaging.

4. Cook until soft. Drain and Serve!
