Friday, March 30, 2012

Shred Cabbage Restaurant Style

Cabbage is a wonderful salad ingredient because it goes well with a variety of entrees. You need to knife shred cabbage in a salad or coleslaw dish because of its crispness. Learn to prepare cabbage the same way they do in restaurants.


1. Remove the outer leaves of a head of cabbage when ready to shred. Most of these are weathered and limp or brown. Peel them off or use a knife.

2. Turn the head of cabbage around so that the tough stem area is pointing down.

3. Slam the head of cabbage down, hitting the stem area on the counter or cutting board. This should dislodge the stem and you can just pull it out of the cabbage.

4. Slice the head into two pieces with a strong, sharp knife. Start at the hole where the stem was and slice down.

5. Place the first half of the cabbage head, with the cut side down, onto your cutting board.

6. Begin at the outside and make diagonal cuts with your knife across the cabbage as close together as you can--1/4 inch is a good width. Continue to shred with the knife to the end of the cabbage. Cut across the middle of the strips once to shorten them.

7. Repeat Step 6 to shred the second half of the cabbage.

Tags: head cabbage, cutting board, half cabbage, stem area