Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Serve Wasabi Mashed Potatoes

If you want to make basic mashed potatoes exciting again, consider adding wasabi to the dish. Made with either wasabi sauce or wasabi powder, these potatoes can bring some spice and excitement to your next dinner.


Individual Serving

1. Place an individual serving of wasabi mashed potatoes on a dinner plate. A half of a cup makes a good serving size for one person. You can use a glass measuring cup to measure a serving size. Season the wasabi mashed potatoes with salt and pepper to taste.

2. Spoon a small amount of wasabi sauce on top of the wasabi mashed potatoes. For less heat, use less wasabi sauce. To give the potatoes even more kick, use a larger amount of wasabi sauce.

3. Garnish the dinner plate with freshly chopped scallions or green onions. Place some scallions or green onions directly on top of the wasabi mashed potatoes and around the dinner plate. Serve the wasabi mashed potatoes hot along with your favorite dish, such as chicken or fish.

For a Crowd

4. Place the wasabi mashed potatoes into a large serving bowl. Decorate placing some freshly chopped scallions or green onions over the surface of the potatoes.

5. Put a dollop of the wasabi sauce over the center of the wasabi mashed potatoes. Add some more scallions or green onions over the top of the wasabi sauce.

6. Grind fresh black pepper over the top of the wasabi mashed potatoes to season. Pass the salt so that your guests can season to taste.

Tags: mashed potatoes, wasabi sauce, wasabi mashed, wasabi mashed potatoes, green onions, scallions green