Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vanilla Extract Tips & Facts

Vanilla extract has been used for more than one hundred years. The early extract was more like a syrup than the commercial variety today. Vanilla extract is used in commercial and home baking to add flavor to cake batter and flour. The two varieties of vanilla bean used commercially for extract are Bourbon and Tahitian.


Vanilla extract is made from the vanilla bean. It is one of the most expensive crops in the world to grow. It is grown in Mexico, Tahiti and Indonesia. The bean is derived from the fruit of the orchid. The first extracts were made at pharmacies and apothecary shops.


Pure vanilla extract is made by percolating chopped vanilla beans with ethyl alcohol and water. The extraction process takes 48 hours. Then the flavors mix with the beans in a tank for several days or weeks. The mixture is filtered into a holding tank where it is eventually bottled into vanilla extract.


The FDA requires 13.35 ounces of vanilla bean to one gallon of ethyl alcohol with 35 percent alcohol and 65 percent water ratios in one gallon. More alcohol is sometimes used to extract the flavor from the vanilla bean when making vanilla extract. Extracts contain other ingredients like corn syrup, sugar, caramel, colors and stabilizers.


There are different types of pure vanilla extract. There is Mexican vanilla extract, Bourbon vanilla extract, Indonesian vanilla and Tahitian vanilla.


Vanilla extract is used for more than baking. Some people add it to hot beverages like coffee, tea or milk for added flavor. It is used in making salad dressing and sauces. Vanilla extract can be used in pancake mixes, mixed with yogurt or in fruit salad. The flavor enhances recipes and different types of food.

Tags: vanilla bean, extract used, vanilla extract, Vanilla extract used, different types, ethyl alcohol, extract Bourbon