Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Which Potatoes Are Best For Potato Salad

Low-starch potatoes with thin skins are best for salads.

The potato, America's favorite vegetable, belongs to the very diverse nightshade family, that includes eggplant, tomato, belladonna, tobacco and petunia plants. Native to the South American Andes, potatoes became known to the rest of the world following the Spanish and Portuguese expeditions of the 15th and 16th centuries. Potatoes are actually rhizomes attached to the root system, where the plant's nutrients and water are stored, according to the New World Encyclopedia. For cooking purposes, the tuber is classified as either a baking or boiling potato.

Waxy Potatoes

Boiling potatoes feature a waxy appearance when cut. They may be long like a fingerling, or round like a red bliss. Since they tend to hold their shape, these are the potatoes to buy when making potato salad. Varieties listed by the Cook's Thesaurus as best for potato salads, gratins and scalloped potatoes are yellow Finn, new potato, red-skinned potato, purple potato and white round potato. All have smooth, thin skins.

Starch Content

Another way to categorize potato varieties is by starch content. The ones ideal for making potato salad have a low starch content. Baking potatoes, such as russets, have the highest proportion of starch. Medium-starch potatoes, also called all-purpose, will work in nearly all potato dishes. What the waxy types lack in starch, they make up for in moisture and sugar, says the O Chef. Potatoes are rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, potassium and magnesium, in addition to carbohydrates. At the same time, they contain almost no fat or sodium. To preserve as much vitamin and mineral content as possible, cook potatoes in their skins. Also, to avoid converting starch into sugar, do not refrigerate them.

New Potatoes

Any waxy potato is sometimes referred to as a "new" potato, but the term should be reserved for the immature potatoes harvested in the spring or as summer begins. These early specimens have flimsy skins that feel like parchment. According to the Cook's Thesaurus, if it is truly a new potato, you will be able to peel it with your fingers. Prized for their moistness and creamy texture, new potatoes also save a preparation step because they can be cooked whole.

Offbeat Salad Potatoes

The purple potato, or purple Peruvian potato, made the Cook's Thesaurus selection of optimal salad potatoes. While they could add an interesting color dimension to your side dish, the website admits that this potato is not as flavorful as some other varieties. Another non-white choice is the slightly sweet yellow Finn potato. Its color may not be noticeable, however, if the salad is prepared in the southern style with lots of mustard.

Tags: Cook Thesaurus, Finn potato, making potato, making potato salad, potato purple