Monday, September 27, 2010

Make A Hydrangea Pillow

A decorative hydrangea pillow looks pretty when used as an accent to your living room or lounge environment. The floral color and texture of hydrangea flowers compliment a wide array of colors and decor styles. Making your own decorative hydrangea pillow provides you with a useful craft that adds beauty to your environment while saving money on home decor pieces.


1. Select a solid colored throw pillow measuring 12 by 12 inches. A color slightly darker than the silk hydrangeas you've selected is adequate, or a contrasting color is attractive as well. Sit the pillow aside.

2. Cut a segment of taffeta from the roll measuring 24 inches long by 12 inches wide. Spread it out in front of you with the longest edge running horizontally. Grasp each end of the fabric segment and twist the fabric at the center one time. Flatten the edges, spreading them out evenly.

3. Squeeze a dime-sized amount of fabric glue onto the twisted center of the taffeta. Place the pillow, right-side down, over the glued spot. Hold it in place for 1 minute then release. Squeeze a 1/4 inch thick line of glue vertically down the center of the pillow.

4. Wrap each taffeta end around the back of the pillow, evenly pressing the ends together down the glued line. Let it dry for 10 minutes and flip over the pillow. This reveals a colorful criss-cross design of fabric.

5. Snip most of the stem from each silk hydrangea, leaving 2 inches protruding from each blossom. Hold two of the blossoms in your hand with the flowered ends aiming upward. Add the other two to the bundle with the flowers aiming downward. Wrap the centers of the stem with a length of floral tape.

6. Snip a length of silk ribbon measuring 8 inches. Tie the ribbon into a simple bow around the center of the wrapped stems.

7. Apply the backside of the bowed floral form to the criss-crossed front of the pillow using a line of hot glue from the hot glue gun. This adheres the flower firmly to the center of the pillow. Let it dry for 10 minutes before adding to your decor scheme.

Tags: measuring inches, center pillow, decorative hydrangea, decorative hydrangea pillow, from each, hydrangea pillow, line glue