Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get Rid Of The Smell Of Limburger Cheese

Limburger is a rind cheese with a pungent smell.

Limburger cheese has an unmistakable, pungent smell that is slightly fishy and difficult to get rid of. Besides the stink, you can identify Limburger cheese by its crumbly white texture. This rind cheese may come in any size cheese wheel. If you decide to snack on some of this strong odorous cheese, you may find that the odor lingers on your hands or in your home. Learn air out your home after exposing it at length to Limburger cheese.


1. Remove the Limburger cheese completely by covering it up with plastic wrap or placing it under a lidded dish.

2. Wipe the countertop or cutting board with a disinfectant spray and a clean cloth. Wash the cloth immediately.

3. Put several cups of water in a saucepan. Cut a lemon in half and place the lemon in the water. Allow the water to come to a boil then turn the water down to a simmer. The lemon steam will eradicate odors.

4. Spray the air throughout your home with an odor neutralizer.

5. Turn on any ceiling fans you have and open your windows. Air out your home for several hours.

Tags: Limburger cheese, your home, pungent smell, rind cheese