Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alternate Uses For Corn Meal

Ground sweet corn makes corn meal.

Grinding dried sweet corn produces corn meal. The method of grinding determines the texture. Native Americans considered corn meal a dietary staple, and it is popular today in southern and Mexican cooking. Corn bread and most tortillas use corn meal. Corn is a common and cheap product, however, and there are many alternate uses for corn meal.

Kill Ants

On a dry day, pour corn meal on and around anthills. The ants carry the corn meal into the nest. Some types of ants eat it, but cannot digest it, and it kills them. In some cases, surrounding moisture turns it to methane gas, which descends into the nest and kills the queen. This method does not always work with fire ants.

Control Plant Fungus

Scatter corn meal on the leaves and under any plant that shows fungus, black spot or mildew. This works well for roses, lawn grasses and tomatoes. Repeat the treatment once each month. Do not use on very young seedlings.

Prevent Aphids

Sprinkle corn meal on the leaves and the ground under the plant to repel aphids. You will need to retreat at least once each month.

Protect Wooden Floors

For a party, scatter wooden floors with corn meal to protect against scuffing and keep them slippery enough for dancing. Just sweep it away when finished.

Occupy Children

Fill a flat container, with a tight fitting lid, half full for your children to play in. They can create roads for small toy cars, play with small spoons and cups or just pour it through their fingers. If it spills, just sweep it up. This will occupy a small child for some time. When finished, Mississippi State University instructs us to store corn meal in covered containers to prevent spoilage. Then it should keep for six months or more.

Prevent Weeds

Corn meal with gluten can prevent seeds from rooting. This will not kill existing plants, but only sprouting seeds. Spread across garden or lawn, and then add 1/4 inch of water. After watering, let it dry out completely for five days. The University of Wisconsin emphasizes that corn gluten meal acts as an herbicide, yet is safe and environmentally friendly. It will not harm insects, pets or children and it will not pollute ponds or streams.

Prevent Fungus Infections

Sprinkle corn meal in your shoes to prevent and treat athlete's foot and other fungus infections. The corn meal helps absorb moisture from perspiration. Because it is a mild fungicide, it will discourage fungus infections. For toenail infections, make a paste of corn meal and water and let it stand for one hour. Then soak your feet in the mixture.

Preserve Fresh Flowers

To dry fresh flowers, Iowa State University suggests mixing equal parts corn meal and borax in a shoebox or other container. Carefully bury the flowers in the mixture. You will have to leave the container uncovered for three weeks or until the flowers dry.

Tags: corn meal, corn meal, corn meal leaves, each month, fungus infections