Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Drill A Hole In A Glass Wine Bottle

Almost any size and type of glass wine bottle can be used to drill a hole in.

Empty wine glass bottles serve as an excellent platform for arts and crafts. Some arts and crafts idea may entail drilling a hole through a wine glass bottle to insert wiring or lighting. This task is simple and can be performed in as little as 5 minutes. While drilling a hole in a wine glass bottle is generally safe, always use caution to prevent glass breakage and cuts.


1. Locate the spot on the wine bottle where you wish to drill a hole. Label the spot with a permanent marker so that the the correct spot is drilled.

2. Place a diamond-tipped drill bit into a hand-held drill. Every hand-held drill is different, so consult the manufacturer's manual for appropriate installation details. A diamond-tipped drill bit is the preferred type of drill bit for glass applications.

3. Place the drill bit directly over the area that you wish to drill, and slowly apply pressure to the bottle with the drill on. Apply gentle pressure, and, once the drill bit is through the glass, pull it out.

Tags: wine glass, arts crafts, diamond-tipped drill, drill hole, drilling hole, glass bottle