Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Core An Apple With A Knife

A sharp knife is essential to successfully coring an apple.

Whether you are preparing an apple for use in a recipe or you desire a fresh fruit salad with apple pieces, the apple core is something you don't need. While various techniques exist for extracting an apple core, the use of a simple household tool can help you achieve satisfactory results in a timely manner.


1. Rinse the apple skin with running water to remove contaminants before coring, or peel the apple skin with a peeler or a paring knife if you don't want to use the skin.

2. Place the apple upright on a firm, clean, non-slip surface such as a cutting board so that it won't slip as you are attempting to cut into it.

3. Hold the edge of a sharp knife, with a large blade, on top of the apple, approximately 1 inch from the stem, as you hold the apple in place with your other hand. Be sure not to place your hand and fingers in the area where the knife will cut through the apple. Slice the apple all the way through so that you remove an entire section of the fruit. Place the piece of cut fruit aside. Slice off the opposite side of the apple in the same manner.

4. Turn the apple 180 degrees on the cutting surface, and position the blade of knife on the top of the apple, approximately 1 inch from the stem. While holding the apple in place with your other hand, slice off this section of fruit. Repeat with the remaining side. You will now have four sections of fruit, two of which wider than the other two.

5. Discard the apple core and use the cored fruit as desired.

Tags: apple core, your other hand, apple approximately, apple approximately inch, apple place