Monday, July 16, 2012

Cook Vegetables

Crunchy and colorful, vegetables taste great raw or cooked. There's an endless variety of vegetables year round. They're full of vitamins like A and C and they taste good cooked in many different ways.


1. Wash vegetables to rid them of pesticides and prepare them for cooking. Peel vegetables like potatoes, corn and carrots before cooking.

2. Boil vegetables like corn, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes in a small amount of water that just covers the vegetables. Cook each type of vegetable separately because they may be done at different times. Cover with a lid and cook until the vegetables are tender. Check regularly.

3. Chop a variety of vegetables into pieces. Stir fry the pieces in a small amount of water, broth, vegetable juice, olive oil or margarine. Use high heat and cook until tender.

4. Microwave vegetables for a quick dish. Place vegetable pieces and a small amount of water in a microwave safe dish. Cover the dish to hold in the moisture. Let the vegetables sit when they are done before eating.

5. Barbeque sliced vegetables on the grill or in tin foil. Cook until tender. You can also barbeque vegetables like mushrooms, peppers and zucchini on skewers.

6. Blanch vegetables for salads and pastas. Chop vegetables into bite sized pieces. Put into a large bowl or pot. Pour boiling water over the vegetable pieces. Let the vegetables sit until just a bit soft. Add to salads and pastas or freeze in freezer bags.

7. Saute vegetable chunks in a frying pan. Add a tablespoon or two of oil and cook covered with a lid. Cook until tender. Serve over rice or noodles. You can also add a store bought sauce like sweet and sour or honey glaze. Serve over rice.

Tags: amount water, small amount, small amount water, until tender, vegetables like, cook until, Cook until tender