Merlot can be enjoyed alone or as an accompaniment to poultry dishes
Merlot and Cabernet are the two most planted vineyards in the Bordeaux region. There are two types of Cabernet grape: franc and sauvignon, though cabernet franc is usually used in blended wines such as Meritage, rather than sold as a stand-alone wine. Merlot is also often combined with sauvignon to create a blend.
The merlot grape ripens at least a week earlier than the cabernet varieties, as it is lower in tannins. It is fairly adaptable and grows a bit better in damp climates than cabernet, although it prefers rocky, dry ground. Cabernet thrives in warm climates, hence there being a proliferation of cabernet vineyards in California and Chile. The Chilean variety has a soft flavor of its own, as the grapes were transported to Chile over 150 years ago and have developed according to the country's unique climate.
The merlot grape has a thin skin and can rot easily. Cabernet sauvignon grapes on the other hand, have a very thick skin and are resistant to heavy rain and fungal diseases. They are smaller, darker and resemble black currants. Their hardiness make them one of the most popular grapes to grow around the world. Cabernet franc grapes have slightly thinner skin than their sauvignon counterparts. They are more resistant to harsh winters but suffer during frosty springs. In the bottle, merlot has a rich ruby red hue while the tannins in cabernet can give it a darker color.
The flavor of merlot is comparable to cabernet sauvignon, but it is a little less fragrant. A medium to full-bodied wine, when merlot is ripe it has a fruity aroma; under-ripe or over-ripe merlot makes it less fruity and more herby. Cabernet sauvignon is medium to full-bodied, has black currant notes, and the different degrees of ripeness can detract from its fruitiness. Cabernet franc has spicy, fruity overtones, often similar to the taste of a plum.
Keeping wine
Merlot is popular as an affordable wine to buy and drink immediately, rather than as a collector's wine. It also matures earlier in the bottle than cabernet sauvignon. Cabernet however, is popular among collectors as the price of a bottle can rise considerably over time.