Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Diet With Protein & Salad

A healthy well balanced diet should always include good lean sources of protein and healthy carbohydrates. A salad with green leafy vegetables is one of the best sources of carbohydrates and the inclusion of a lean protein creates a well balanced meal that is a part of a well balanced diet.


The first step in creating your meal plan with protein and salad is choosing the source of protein. Good sources of protein include skinless chicken and coldwater fish. Red meat is an appropriate source of protein, but make sure that you limit the amount of red meat that you eat to one or two times a week. There are unhealthy fats in red meat that should be restricted for a healthy diet.

Soy is another source of protein that can be added to a salad in the form of tofu stir fry. Check the produce section of your grocery store for some lean soy sources of protein to add to your healthy salad. Use soy cheese in your salad for a healthy break from animal proteins.


In many diet programs, carbohydrates have gotten a bad name. Salad greens and vegetables are carbohydrates that are very healthy for a diet plan whether you are trying to lose weight or just maintain good health. Forty percent of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates and that should include fruits and vegetables. Add whole grains along with your salad for a well balanced meal. With the right ingredients, a salad with added protein can be a perfectly balanced meal and a healthy way to cut calories and lose weight. You should avoid some carbohydrates such as bread made from white flour and processed foods. These foods do not provide nutritional value to your meal.

Healthy Fat

Keep trans fats such as hydrogenated oils out of your salad. Healthy fats work the best for a weight loss program and for good heart health. Omega 3 essential fatty acids that are in cold water fish such as tuna and mackerel are healthy fats. Use olive oil for your dressing instead of vegetable oil for a healthier salad. Nuts added to your salad provide a good crunch and another healthy source of fat. Make sure that thirty percent of your calories come from healthy fats.

A salad that contains protein carbohydrates and healthy fats is a perfect one dish meal that can help you to lose weight. Get creative with your ingredients and a salad with protein will never become boring. Use your imagination and a healthy salad never has to be boring.

Tags: well balanced, your salad, balanced meal, lose weight, salad with, source protein, sources protein