Thursday, December 20, 2012

Make Fried Cabbage

Cabbage is purchased by the head, but most cooks don't require all of it to stuff and bake or shred into coleslaw. With this quick recipe, you can fry the rest into a tasty side dish.


1. Slice your cored head of cabbage into segments about 1/2-inch wide. Length is unimportant, just as long as the segments won't be flopping over the edges of your cooking pan.

2. Pour your favorite cooking oil into a frying pan or wok just enough to cover its bottom surface, then crank on the heat.

3. Heat the oil to the point that its surface starts to shimmer and act as if it wants to move. Flash points of different types of oil vary, but this behavior indicates "really hot, but not quite ready to smoke" with any variety.

4. Add your pile of cabbage segments to the pan all at once. If you have heated the cooking oil properly, this will be a noisy step.

5. Flip and stir the frying cabbage with a heat-proof spatula often. Your pan is hot and the cabbage isn't going to be in it for very long.

6. Season to taste as you go. Suggestions: salt, ground black pepper, caraway or poppy seeds and a liberal splash of your favorite vinegar.

7. Remove your creation from the frying pan or wok to a serving dish when everything has had a chance to be coated, wilt and get a tinge of brown along its edges; after about 5 minutes of cook time. Serve piping hot.

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