Thursday, July 23, 2009

Highcalorie & Highfat Foods For Babies

Some babies eat poorly and might need extra fat and calories.

There are many reasons why some babies might need a diet with high-calorie and high-fat foods. Some babies have medical conditions that prevent them from absorbing nutrients; others might need to recover lost weight after an illness. If you think your baby needs high-calorie and high-fat foods, consult his pediatrician before making changes into his diet. There are many healthy ways to add the fat and calories your baby needs.

Breast Milk and Formula

Breast milk and formula are the main sources of nutrients for babies younger than 1 year old. If your baby is breastfed, your doctor can instruct you to add fortifiers to breast milk for more calories. Another way to add calories and fat is to supplement with formula, either by giving her extra bottles or by adding powder formula into the pumped breast milk. For formula-fed babies, your doctor can instruct you to mix your baby's formula with more powder to add calories and fat. Premature baby formulas also contain more calories than regular formulas.

Meats and Dairy

One your baby is old enough to have solid food, you can add fat and calories with meats and dairy. Sprinkle grated cheese into the foods your baby eats, or give him cheese slices as a snack. Mix cottage cheese with fruits to give to your baby. Meats are also high in fat and calories; baby jar dinners have more calories than other jar baby foods. Strained meat is also a way to add fat and calories to your baby's diet. Mix with vegetables to improve the flavor. Eggs yolks are high in calories and your baby can eat them with his pediatrician's approval. Scramble or boil and serve to your baby.

Fruits and Vegetables

While fruits and vegetables are usually lower in calories, some can help your baby gain weight. Bananas, mangoes and prunes have more calories; look for baby food jars that contain these. As for vegetables, starchy foods such as corn and sweet potatoes contain more calories and fat. Avocado is a great high-fat food for babies. It contains unsaturated fat and is cholesterol free. Avocados are also soft and creamy, which makes it a wonderful first food for a baby. Mash the avocados and serve, or mix with other fruits such as bananas and applesauce.

Other Considerations

Another way to add more calories and fat to your baby's meals is to add butter, margarine or vegetable oil. Scramble eggs yolks with vegetable oil or add butter to sweet potatoes for your baby. Do not add more than 1 tsp. per every ¼ cup of food. Carbohydrates, such as pasta and bread, are also high in calories. Limit the amount of juice your baby drinks; while it is high in calories, it only fills your baby and prevents him from eating other healthier and higher-fat meals. Your doctor can also explain use "Polycose" or "Moducal," which are carbohydrates you can buy at a pharmacy and add to your baby's food, which add calories and fat to your baby's diet.

Tags: your baby, more calories, calories your, calories your baby, high calories, might need, your doctor instruct