Friday, April 30, 2010

Cut A Mango Into Cubes

Squeeze a mango to determine its ripeness. Choose mangoes that are slightly soft if you want to eat them immediately.

Humans have been enjoying the delicious flavor and texture of the mango for over 6,000 years. Good sources of vitamins A, B6 and C, mangoes work for many different types of recipes from main dishes to appetizers and desserts. For some dishes, such as mango smoothies or mango cookies, the shape of the cut mango is not important because it will be blended or mashed. For other dishes, such as mango salsa or grilled mango, you will want to cut your mango more precisely.


1. Wash the mango, your hands, the cutting board and knife. Whenever you cut fruits or vegetables, always use a freshly washed knife and cutting board so that you don't transfer any microbes to the flesh of the fruit.

2. Lay the mango on the cutting board, with the narrow edge facing down. Slice lengthwise through the mango, about 1/4 or 1/2 inch to the right of the center. Make another cut the same distance to the left of the center. Don't try to cut directly through the mango because you will hit the long, flat seed.

3. Take one half of the mango and position it with the skin side on the cutting board. Make several parallel cuts along the length of the mango, stopping before you cut through the skin. Then, make several parallel cuts along the width of the mango without cutting through the skin. The number of cuts will depend on the size of the mango and the size of the cubes you need for your dish. Repeat the cuts on the other half of the mango.

4. Hold opposite ends of one half of the mango and turn the mango inside out. Separate the flesh from the skin with your knife. Repeat with the other half of the mango.

Tags: cutting board, half mango, because will, cuts along, dishes such