Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Make Gluten Free Waffles

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Making gluten free breakfast waffles is one of the easiest shifts from a gluten-based product to a gluten free product. For people with Celiac disease, eating gluten can be life-threatening as gluten particles embed in the lining of the intestine, killing the villi and making it impossible for the body to absorb needed nutrients. Others choose to eliminate gluten for various health reasons, including IBS, autism, fibromyalgia, or other conditions. Gluten-free waffles are a fun, relatively nutritious hot breakfast food, and for people with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance, learning make gluten free waffles can expand breakfast choices. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Make Gluten Free Waffles

1. Take a standard waffle mix and assemble all the ingredients EXCEPT for the wheat-based flour.

2. Mix 2 parts rice flour, 1 part tapioca flour, in place of the wheat-based flour. So, for instance, if the recipe calls for 2 cups of regular flour, use 1 and 1/3 c. of rice flour and 2/3 c. tapioca flour instead. Measure carefully; cooking gluten-free is all about the chemistry.

3. Add an additional 2 egg whites to the existing recipe. The egg whites add protein that is missing when you do not use wheat flour, and also adds "fluff" to the final product to give the gluten-free waffles a more "regular" flavor and consistency.

4. Mix the recipe according to the instructions given. Unlike traditional baking with wheat flour, you need to use a mixer to whip the batter. This allows the egg whites to fluff and add a lighter texture to the waffles.

5. Cook the waffles slightly longer than the instructions require. Gluten- free flour can take slightly longer to cook or you risk a "gummy" interior.

6. Top with gluten-free syrup, fresh fruit, or powdered sugar. Be careful to read topping labels to ensure they are gluten-free.

Tags: Celiac disease, Gluten Free Waffles, Make Gluten, people with, people with Celiac, rice flour