Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prepare Potatoes To Freeze For Hash Browns

Freezing potatoes prepared for hash browns allows for a quick dish later.

Making your own hash browns is both economical and healthful, allowing you to make fresh potatoes while leaving the preservatives behind. Shredding and bagging your own potatoes also allows you to choose and experiment with a variety of seasonings or flavors until you come up with the perfect family favorite. Due to the nature of the potato, these root vegetables do best when at least partially cooked before freezing.


1. Peel the potatoes and rinse them in cool water.

2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a simmering boil on the stove top.

3. Grate the potatoes by using a box grater or a food processor with a shredder attachment. Place the shredded potatoes in a bowl with enough cool water to cover the potatoes completely. Soaking the potatoes prior to cooking them releases some of the starches and prevents them from sticking together.

4. Drain the potatoes in a colander and place them carefully into the pot of simmering water. Blanch them for just one minute, stirring them once or twice during the process. Undercooking them slightly at this stage yields the best results when frying them later.

5. Pour the blanched potatoes into the colander and drain well. Slide the potatoes out of the colander and onto a plate of paper towels to continue draining. Pat the top dry with additional paper towels.

6. Place the potatoes in a large mixing bowl and season to taste with salt, pepper, seasoning salt or other dried herbs and spices. Add 1 tbsp. of white vinegar or lemon juice to prevent them from turning black. Mix well to coat all surfaces.

7. Layer the seasoned potatoes into small or large freezer bags, portioned to a small or large cooking amount. Another option involves layering the potatoes in a plastic container, separated by wax paper or plastic wrap. Press as much air as possible out of the bag before freezing.

8. Seal the freezer bags or container and place in the freezer until you are ready to use the potatoes.

Tags: before freezing, cool water, freezer bags, hash browns, paper towels, potatoes colander, potatoes into