Monday, August 20, 2012

Save Feta Cheese

Create a traditional Greek salad with feta cheese.

Feta cheese is usually a creamy white color and ranges from soft to semi-hard in texture. The cheese has a tangy and salty flavor and it contains a high amount of moisture. Feta cheese tends to dry rapidly once removed from the brine solution in which it is usually cured and stored. Storing feta cheese properly will help to protect the flavor and texture. Add feta cheese to salads, pastas or your favorite recipe for a rich flavor.



1. Add more brine to the feta cheese if the level has decreased. Combine 1 lb. of kosher salt with 1 gallon of cold water.

2. Stir the solution to dissolve the salt and pour it over the feta cheese to increase the brine level.

3. Store the feta cheese in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use the opened feta cheese within 3 months.


4. Drain the brine from the feta cheese if it remains immersed. Cut large chunks of feta cheese into smaller portions. Separate the cheese into portions that you plan to use once thawed.

5. Wrap the feta cheese tightly in freezer wrap. Place the feta cheese inside a freezer storage bag.

6. Freeze the feta cheese for up to 3 months for best results.

Tags: feta cheese, feta cheese, feta cheese, cheese into, Feta cheese