Monday, March 22, 2010

Cook Raw Peanuts

Americans in the South eat boiled peanuts as a snack. states that it's believed boiled peanuts came about during the Civil War. Confederates were short on supplies, especially after General Sherman split the army, and peanuts became an important food source for soldiers. Boiled peanuts are the official food snack of South Carolina. Boiled peanuts can be prepared on a stove top or campfire.


Stove Top

1. Set the strainer in the sink. Put the peanuts inside. Rinse the peanuts with cold water.

2. Fill the pot halfway with water. Put the peanuts in the pot. There needs to be enough water to cover the peanuts without boiling over. Soak the peanuts for a half an hour.

3. Add 1/4 cup of salt. Put the lid on and simmer for two hours. Check it every thirty minutes. You may need to add more water if it gets too low.

4. Use a spoon to remove a peanut. Rinse it off and let it cool. Crack open the shell and eat the nut. If the nut is mushy, the peanuts are done. If not, cook for another thirty minutes.

5. Pour the finished peanuts in the colander. Put them in a bowl and eat.


6. Prepare the peanuts like you would for cooking on the stove.

7. Fill a camping pot with water. Add the peanuts and salt.

8. Boil until ready. Use a large, slotted spoon to dish out.

Tags: Boiled peanuts, thirty minutes, water peanuts, with water, with water peanuts