Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grow A Nopal Cactus

The nopal is a type of edible cactus native to Mexico. Itl is commonly called the prickly pear, and its pads and fruit can be cooked into casseroles, blended into drinks or eaten in sandwiches. Nopal, with its high fiber content, aids in digestion and helps fight heart disease. Individuals who want to grow this beneficial cactus are in luck. Although the nopal cactus is native to hot climates and high altitudes, it also grows remarkably well in colder areas. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Prepare an area with sandy, well-draining soil for the nopal cactus. You may opt to add small pieces of gravel to enhance drainage. Too much moisture in the soil is detrimental to the growth of the cactus.

2. Remove a pad from a mature nopal cactus and allow the pad to dry out for two to three days. Lay the cactus pad on top of the soil mixture. It will take root easily without being buried. You may opt to partially bury the pad, however, if you are concerned about it being disturbed by animals or weather.

3. Water the nopal cactus once each week. Take care not to water the plant during weeks in which there has been sufficient rainfall.

4. Give the cactus several weeks to put down roots. Pack extra soil tightly around the base of the cactus. Adult cacti are heavy and prone to tipping. Tightly packed soil around the base of the plant will help prevent this from occurring. You may even place rocks around the cactus base for extra security.

5. Provide your nopal cactus with a low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer twice a year. Dilute the fertilizer by half before applying it to the base of the cactus.

Tags: nopal cactus, around base, base cactus, cactus native