Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keep Butter Warm For Serving

Avoid extreme temperatures when keeping butter warm.

Keeping butter warm for serving simply requires keeping it below 160 degrees Fahrenheit --- the temperature at which emulsions start to separate. Using a combination of an instant-read thermometer and a double boiler helps maintain an ideal serving temperature of 150 to 160 F. Double boilers heat delicate emulsions gently and, although it takes a minute or two longer for the butter to melt, gives you greater temperature control over it. In addition to checking the temperature, the instant-read thermometer allows you to see what setting on your stove holds butter at its ideal serving temperature.


1. Fill a saucepan half full of water and place it over medium heat. Place a stainless-steel mixing bowl on top of the saucepan of water.

2. Cut the butter into 1-inch cubes and place them into the mixing bowl.

3. Whisk the butter as it melts. Insert an instant-read thermometer in the butter and make sure it doesn't heat past 160 F. Make note of the temperature setting of your stove when the butter holds steady at 160 F, and use it for future reference.

Tags: instant-read thermometer, butter warm, ideal serving, ideal serving temperature, mixing bowl, serving temperature