Monday, February 13, 2012

Buying Pecan Trees In Texas

Mature pecan trees produce delicious nuts.

Native pecan trees grow in about 150 counties in the state of Texas, making it a great region in which to raise the trees. You can buy pecan trees at nurseries and garden supply stores.

Bare Root

Pecan trees are available for purchase as bare-root trees--those that have no soil or potting mix around their roots. Bare-root pecan trees are difficult to transplant, though, because they require protection of the roots from freezing or drying to avoid killing the tree. If you do choose bare-root trees, make sure they're 4 to 8 feet tall.


You can buy a large pecan tree from a local commercial orchard that's thinning out its trees to prevent overcrowding. Orchards use a machine to dig up the tree, then you can plant it in a prepared hole in your yard. The tree requires lots of water while it re-establishes itself in your yard.


Container-grown trees can be bought for transplanting into your yard. Fall or winter work best for introducing the tree to its new home. Since container trees use a soil-less medium, you need to remove about an inch of the medium from the tree's roots before planting it in the ground.

Tags: your yard, pecan trees, pecan trees