Friday, February 24, 2012

Do I Dilute Goat'S Milk For My Dog

Goat's milk is usually considered to be more digestible than cow's milk.

Whether you need to dilute goat's milk before giving it to your dog depends the source and type of goat's milk. You should also take into consideration the age and size of your dog. Furthermore, it is hard to make a blanket statement for all dogs, because they are as individual as humans when it comes to things like allergies and food sensitivities.

Why Goat's Milk

Goat's milk is purported to be more digestible than cow's milk, and is frequently recommended by various books on nutrition for feeding human babies. Powdered goat's milk is often used in manufacturing milk substitute for orphaned puppies and kittens. It is rich in butter-fat, calcium and other vitamins.

Fresh, Raw Goat's Milk

Fresh goat's milk from your own milch animals should be safe to feed to your dog without being diluted. Give moderate amounts at first, and watch your canine companion for diarrhea, constipation or other signs of dietary distress. Healthy adult animals do not need milk as part of their diet, but it can be offered as an occasional treat.

Powdered, Tinned or Frozen Goat's Milk

Read the directions on powdered, tinned or frozen milk. Some brands or types of tinned milk may have been condensed, in which case it will need to have water added to bring it to the consistency of whole milk.

Check With Your Veterinary

You local veterinary will be happy to give dietary advice, especially if you are raising orphaned puppies. He will be able to provide information specific to the breed, age, size and medical needs of your canine friend.

Tags: digestible than, digestible than milk, Goat Milk, Goat Milk, goat milk, more digestible