Monday, December 28, 2009

Dress Like An Italian

Italy is a fashion-conscious nation and most Italians take their clothing very seriously. While Americans like to wear comfy old sneakers, ratty jeans and old t-shirts while on vacation, Italians feel that style and elegance trumps comfort. If you want to blend in during a trip to Italy, or just want to dress more stylishly every day, here are some tips to dress like an Italian.


1. Wear high-quality shoes, preferably in leather. Most women in Italy wear high heeled, pointed-toe shoes - even when walking on cobblestone streets. Men typically wear loafers. Most Italians wouldn't be caught dead in sneakers and consider flip-flops to be beach attire.

2. Build your wardrobe around a few key pieces like a designer blazer, well-fitting linen pants and a silk blouse. Italians will save for 6 months to buy a designer clothing item rather than spend that money on a larger quantity of cheaper items.

3. Avoid clothing with logos, emblems, patches, embroidery and other distracting designs. Italians feel that large logos on clothing make people look like billboards.

4. Focus on well-tailored, minimalist outfits in neutral colors like black, white, beige and navy.

5. Steer clear of shorts, especially if you're a woman. Many Italians find shorts to be distasteful, and if you're visiting churches in Italy, you may find yourself unable to get in dressed as you are. Knee-length skirts are more appropriate.

6. Choose natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and linen rather than synthetics.

7. Look for accessories with understated elegance. Avoid loud scarves, large hoop earrings, and costume jewelry. Less is more - don't load yourself down with accessories.

Tags: feel that, Italians feel, Italians feel that, rather than