Friday, December 4, 2009

Make Poppy Seed Cake

Poppy Seed Cake is a recipe that comes from Russia and Czechoslovakia. Besides the traditional, you can get blueberry, orange and lemon varieties. Great cooks hand down poppy seed cake recipes to deserving family members through generations.


1. Set your taste buds up for a treat. The lemon version (not the recipe listed here) served at Cafe Fernando in Istanbul is a luscious combination of golden brown exterior with a soft interior that will melt in your mouth.

2. Assemble the dry ingredients in a bowl (including poppy seeds). Cut in margarine. Add eggs, milk and yogurt.

3. Stir to mix well. Add lemon juice and oil. Mix thoroughly.

4. Grease a 3-quart tube pan then sprinkle the bread crumbs over the greased pan. Pour in the batter and smooth out.

5. Bake the cake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes. Check for doneness by sticking a toothpick in it (if it comes out dry, the poppy cake is done), and return to oven for 5 to 10 minutes if a fork inserted into the middle does not come out clean.

6. Cool the poppy cake and dust with the confectioners' sugar when at room temperature. Complete this dessert with fresh fruit and whipped cream to top it off. Another option is to make a lemon glaze with powdered sugar and lemon juice.

Tags: lemon juice, poppy cake, Poppy Seed, Poppy Seed Cake, Seed Cake