Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Foods That Use Chocolate Fondue

Marshmallows are easy to dip into chocolate fondue.

Chocolate fondue is a popular party dish. The fondue consists of melted chocolate that is mixed with cream, butter and sometimes a splash of liqueur. The chocolate can be dark, milk or even white and flavored liqueurs add their signature taste, be it mint, caramel or almond. A variety of foods can be dipped into and eaten with chocolate fondue.


Fruit goes extremely well with chocolate fondue. Remove the leaves from strawberries and slice them in half so that they can be skewered and easily dipped into chocolate fondue. Strawberries can be frozen beforehand, which will make the fondue harden slightly. Bananas can be sliced into half-inch pieces and easily dipped into the fondue. Pears can be sliced and dipped as well. Squeezing a little lemon juice over bananas and pears will help keep them from turning brown, especially if you want to prepare them in advance. Raspberries, blackberries and mulberries can also be used with chocolate fondue.

If you don't feel like doing any chopping, then consider pieces of dried fruit to dip into your chocolate fondue sauce. Dried figs, plums, apricots and cherries go well with chocolate. If you want to be more adventurous, consider crystallized ginger and dried kiwi fruit.

Marshmallows and Chocolate Bars

Marshmallows are easy to get onto skewers and dip into chocolate fondue. Try a variety of pink, white and coconut covered marshmallows. For an even more decadent way of experiencing chocolate fondue, cut up chocolate bars and other types of chocolate with caramel or softer centers and use toothpicks to dip them. Chocolate dipped in chocolate is a delicious experience and always a conversation starter.


Small baked cookies and pastries are also good to use with chocolate fondue. While fruit soaks up less chocolate, the porous pastries and baked goods use up more of the fondue mixture. Try it with homemade cookies, chocolate brownies, lady fingers or any pastry that you can skewer with a fork or toothpick.

Ice Cream

Ice cream can be used with chocolate fondue poured over it as a delicious chocolate sauce. Almost any flavor of ice cream goes well with a chocolate fondue. Use leftover chocolate fondue melted with extra cream to make it go further. Add nuts or dried fruit for an even richer experience.

Tags: chocolate fondue, with chocolate, with chocolate fondue, chocolate fondue, dipped into