Thursday, September 20, 2012

Buy Onion Goggles

Getting ready for a family dinner can mean you'll be chopping, dicing and slicing a lot of onions. Onion goggles look like regular shop safety glasses except they're edged in a comfortable foam around your eyes so that the onion vapors don't reach your eyes and start those tears flowing.


1. Buy onion goggles online at sites like, Chefs and Active

2. Make sure your goggle come with anti-fog lenses. You may be working in a hot kitchen and you don't want your goggles to steam up while you're working. Also purchase a pair with tinted lenses so you can see your work with maximum clarity.

3. Choose a snug, comfortable fit. Onion goggles fit most faces and head shapes, but you must make sure that the protective foam fits snugly to protect your eyes from onion vapors.

4. Choose a color. RSVP makes pink, white and black onion goggles. Keep the goggles in the protective plastic case when you're not using them. This will keep from getting scratched.

Tags: your eyes, onion vapors