Thursday, April 25, 2013

Remove Red Wine Stains In A Decanter

Few things decorate a table more beautifully than a decanter of red wine. However when decanters are used frequently or aren't cleaned thoroughly, the inside of the glass may become stained by the pigments in the red wine. Unlike most other vessels, a decanter has a thin neck and fuller base which makes it more difficult to clean thoroughly. However by using just a few common kitchen items, effective removal of red wine stains is possible.


1. Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid to the decanter and fill it with hot (not boiling) water.

2. Let the soapy water stand for one to two hours.

3. Carefully dump the water into the sink. Do not rinse the decanter.

4. Pour ½ cup of uncooked rice into the decanter.

5. Add 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of hot water to the decanter.

6. Gently shake the mixture from side to side and up and down for 1 to 2 minutes.

7. Dump the mixture into the sink, using a strainer to catch the rice.

8. Rinse out the decanter thoroughly and turn it upside down to dry on a dish rack.

Tags: into sink