Friday, March 15, 2013

Lunchbox Ideas For Work

Taking lunch to work can save a lot of money, but there is no reason to bring in the same lunches that you ate in the high school cafeteria. In fact, this approach is bound to lead to disappointment. Instead, consider these updated suggestions for the workplace. Don't be surprised if your coworkers start bringing in their own lunchboxes.

Keeping Hot Things Hot and Cold Things Cold

The availability of a fridge, freezer, and microwave will have a definite effect on the range of foods which you can bring in to work. If you have all of these available, your lunch efforts can start with leftovers from the previous night's dinner. You can even make sure that you have enough leftovers by making a little extra. Consider making a special meal such as lasagna just for your weekday lunches. If you do not have a fridge, you can add an icepack to your lunchbox or put your lunch in the freezer instead of the fridge the night before. You can also use a thermos to keep food warm. However, sometimes you just have to get creative. If your workplace has a coffee maker, you can get hot water to make soups or pasta.

Change it a Little

The thought of another ham and cheese sandwich might make you want to pick up your keys and credit card, but this same sandwich can become downright attractive with a few changes. Make it into a wrap by using a tortilla or pita bread. See how many different kinds of tacos you can make. At the same time, you can make your lunch healthier with the addition of lettuce, tomatoes, onions, shredded carrots, sweet peppers, or whatever you may have on hand. Add a little zest with ranch dressing, a vinaigrette, or yogurt sauce. Remember that you can buy premier cuts of meat and exotic cheeses at the deli for much less than the cost of a lunch out.

Variety is the Spice of Lunch

When you think that you have found a lunch idea that you really like---keep looking. Alternate your favorites so that you do not get bored. If you run out of ideas, try trading lunch ideas---or even actual lunches---with your spouse or a coworker. You can also buy prepared sides of everything from mac and cheese to sushi to accompany your main course. Finally, it's fine to eat out every so often. If you take in your lunch regularly, you will have enough extra money that you can really splurge on your days out. Even better---you might have leftovers for tomorrow's lunchbox.

Tags: your lunch, have enough, that have, that really, Things Cold, will have