Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Is The Shelf Life For Pure Honey

What is the Shelf Life for Pure Honey?

Pure honey is unadulterated and contains no additives. It typically contains 80 percent natural sugars, 18 percent water and 2 percent proteins, pollen, vitamins and minerals. The lower the water content, the higher the quality.

Shelf Life

If properly stored, honey can last several years -- even centuries. Although it has a high sugar content, it has a low water content, making it difficult for bacteria or yeast to grow. Over time, though, the honey will become darker and lose flavor.


Honey will eventually thicken, become cloudy, and take on a gritty texture. This is called crystallization and it occurs naturally at room temperature. This does not affect the flavor of the honey. Placing the container in a pot of hot water until the honey heats up will return it to its liquid state.

Ideal Storage

Honey can be stored at room temperature. Higher than 75 degrees F is not recommended, as heat can damage the honey, especially if it's unprocessed. Cooler temperatures are best for maintaining the color, flavor and aroma and the ideal temperature for storing honey for long periods of time is below 32 degrees F.

Tags: Shelf Life, Life Pure, Life Pure Honey, Pure Honey, room temperature, Shelf Life Pure