Saturday, March 8, 2014

Set Up Tor On An Iphone

Set Up Tor on an iPhone

Tor's mission is provide you with anonymity while browsing online. This is useful if you do not want people locating you and especially if you are dealing with confidential information. Tor is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is also available in a mobile version for Androids and iPhones. In order to install it on your iPhone it needs to already be jailbroken.


1. Jailbreak your iPhone. Check the Resources section for a wizard to guide you through that process.

2. Create the folder /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall on your device. You will have to use iPhoneBrowser to create the folder on your iPhone (see Resources).

3. Download and place the slackware .deb file into the folder you created (see Resources).

4. Restart your device and open Cydia. Refresh your sources and perform an upgrade within Cydia to make sure everything is up to date.

5. Install Tor Toggle from within Cydia and then add it to the SBSettings menu.

6. Navigate to your HTTP Proxy settings. This is done by going back to main menu and pressing Settings, WiFi, Your Wireless Network ESSID and, finally, HTTP Proxy Manual. Set the server to, the port to 8118 and make sure authentication is off. All your phone's traffic will now be proxied through Tor's network.

Tags: iphone, your iPhone, HTTP Proxy, make sure, within Cydia, your device